Peanut Butter Bars
Peanut Butter Bars

½ c. granulated sugar
½ c. packed brown sugar
½ c. margarine, softened
1/3 c. crunchy peanut butter
1 egg
1 c. unbleached flour
1 c. oats
½ tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. salt

Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Mix sugars, margarine, peanut butter and egg.  Stir in flour, oats, baking soda and salt.  Spread in greased rectangular pan, 13” x 9” x 2”.  Bake until golden brown, 17 – 22 mins.  Cool.

Peanut Butter Frosting:
1 ½ c. powdered sugar
¼ c. crunchy peanut butter
2 T. milk

3 T. cocoa
1 T. milk

Prepare Peanut Butter Frosting:  stir together powdered sugar, ¼ c. crunchy peanut butter and 2 T. milk; reserve 1/3 c.  Sir cocoa and 1 T. milk into remaining frosting until smooth.  If necessary, stir in additional milk until of spreading consistency.  Frost with cocoa frosting.  Drop Peanut Butter Frosting by teasponsfuls onto cocoa frosting; swirl for marbled effect.  Cut into bars.

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